List of Countries Requiring a TIN (Tax Identification Number) for Customs Formalities
When shipping products internationally, some countries require a Tax Identification Number (TIN) or its equivalent for processing customs formalities.
To receive your order and ensure quick customs clearance, this identifier will be necessary.
What is a TIN?
A TIN is a unique identifier assigned to residents and businesses for tax purposes. Depending on the country, this identifier may have different names. It may be required by the tax administration for:
The importation of goods.
The payment of taxes and customs duties.
The tracking and traceability of customs transactions.
Why is it mandatory?
Local customs use the TIN to verify the authenticity and compliance of shipments. Without this number, customs clearance may be delayed or denied, which can lead to additional fees or the return of the goods to the sender. In this case, the initial shipping costs are non-refundable, and if a new shipment is requested, the costs will be borne by the customer. If customs cannot process the shipment due to lack of compliant information, the goods may be considered abandoned, with the possibility of being destroyed, without any refund. To avoid these inconveniences, it is strongly recommended to provide a valid TIN, thus ensuring smooth and secure customs clearance.
The TIN or passport must belong to the person receiving the package.
👉 We assure you that the information you provide, including your TIN, is used solely for customs clearance and to facilitate the transportation of your order. It will not be used for any other purpose and is handled with the utmost confidentiality.
List of Countries and Their TIN Requirements
Here is the list of affected countries:
Country | Required TIN | Local Name of TIN |
Andorra | Yes | Número de Identificación Fiscal |
Argentina | Yes | Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria (CUIT) |
Canary Islands | Yes | Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) |
Chile | Yes | Rol Único Tributario (RUT) |
China | Yes | Tax Identification Number (TIN) |
Colombia | Yes | Registro Único Tributario (RUT) |
Mexico | Yes | Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC) |
Panama | Yes | Registro Único de Contribuyentes (RUC) |
Puerto Rico | Yes | Employer Identification Number (EIN) |
Tunisia | Yes | Matricule Fiscal |
Turkey | Yes | Vergi Kimlik Numarası |
United States | Yes | SSN, ITIN, EIN |
U.S. Virgin Islands | Yes | SSN, ITIN, EIN |
Note: the passport number is also accepted as an alternative identifier.
How to Provide Your TIN When Ordering from GONG?
When placing your order:
Make sure to enter your TIN or its local equivalent in the purchase form:
If you are unsure of the number to use, contact the tax authorities in your country or our team.
We will forward this number to the carriers and customs to facilitate clearance.
If you have any questions about the use or necessity of a TIN for your shipment, our team is available to guide you. Do not hesitate to contact us before finalizing your order.
Please note that this list is subject to change. Be sure to check the latest customs requirements or contact us for any updates.